VKMULTI.NET The VK2 Based DMR network that talks to the world.

STATUS:HBLink - OK,Parrot - OK,Dashboard - OK,MMDVM Bridge - Down
LASTHEARD:INFO 2024-09-19 04:08:33,268 (BM-AUSTRALIA) *CALL END*   STREAM ID: 181738493 SUB: 2356079 (2356079) PEER: 5051 (5051) TGID AUSTRALIA TG505 (505), TS 1, Duration: 2.55
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Here are the current VKMulti.NET Talkgroups and timeslots.

Talk GroupTime SlotModeDescriptionInfo
7772staticVKMulti.NET - Call ChannelDoes not go to other networks.
7771staticExperimentation / Ragchew Does not go to other networks.
5052staticVKDMR - 505/2 Australia Wide
19102staticARNSW DMR Network
55052staticBrandmeister - 505 Australia Wide5505 is translated to 505 on the Brandmeister network.
5302staticBrandmeister - 530 New Zeland Wide
38022staticVKDMR - 3802/2 VK2 Wide
52dynamicVKDMR - 5/1 Net's and BroadcastsGreat NET here on Tuesday Evenings run by Peter VK4NBL
82staticVKDMR - 8/1 Sydney Group
38092dynamicVKDMR - 3809/1 Talk
38102dynamicVKDMR - 3810/1 Talk
912dynamicBrandmesiter - 91 Worldwide talkgroup.Please disconnect by kerchunking 777 or 505 when not in use.
316652dynamicTGIF - 31665 TGIF Main Talk group.Please disconnect by kerchunking 777 or 505 when not in use.
31662dynamicYSF-001CQ-VK WiRES-X ROOM & XLX389 Q, HBlink TG 389, P25TG4, NXDN 505
99902dynamicParrotAuto Test server your audio is echoed back to you.