VKMULTI.NET The VK2 Based DMR network that talks to the world.

STATUS:HBLink - OK,Parrot - OK,Dashboard - OK,MMDVM Bridge - Down
LASTHEARD:INFO 2025-01-21 08:32:50,859 (VKDMR-NETWORK) *CALL END*   STREAM ID: 174154999 SUB: VK4UN (5054070) PEER: 5052562 (5052562) TGID AUSTRALIA TG505 (505), TS 2, Duration: 3.41
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About VKMulti.NET

VKMulti.NET is a VK2 DMR based amateur radio network for hotspots and in the future perhaps repeaters that provides linked connectivity to other amateur radio networks brining the most popular networks into one place. Currently connected networks include VKDMR,Brandmeister,C4FM and P25 with more to follow.

The network will allow a single simplified configuration for radios so called code plugs, as well as the ability to not have to constantly change configurations on your Hotspot. Simply change talk groups and talk.

The network also supports VKMulti.NET only talk groups which allow rag chews and experimentation that will not be forwarded to other networks. Amateur Radio is for technical experimentation and you are encouraged to experiment with VKMulti.NET however please only do so on non exported talk groups for example TG777 TS1. Other Network owners do not allow experimentation on their networks and please respect their wishes by only using local groups for any experimentation.

All Hotspots types are supported we do however recommend a duplex or duel slot hotspot. If you have a duplex hot spot please use time slot 1 for ragchews and experimentation if possible. Time slot 2 is where all the interconnected networks are as well as the VKMultinet call channel on TG777 TS2 If you would like to connect a public repeater to the network please contact Matt VK2FLY on 777 TS2

Please remember this network is also experimental at this stage and may go down from time to time for expansion of features and maintenance. Network status can be found at the top of this page.

Suggestions and support are also most welcome.

73 for now.

Matt (VK2FLY)